Degra d.o.o.
Limbuška cesta 2, SI-2341 Limbuš
+386 41 620 807,
Limbuška cesta 2, SI-2341 Limbuš
+386 41 620 807,
Kompaktorit Pro is a highly resistant and waterproof final floor based on the selected aggregate of special bonding agents and Compactura-Pro polymer dispersion.
Prednapeti industrijski tlaki so nova tehnologija v izdelavi industrijskih tlakov in so trenutno najsodobnejša rešitev vseh večjih problemov industrijskih tlakov.
We offer the installation of large surface AB slabs up to 1000 m2 .
Lithurin® Formula je postopek brezbarvne impregnacije betonskih talnih površin.
Petrotex-S is a sealer for concrete protection against oil and water, based on acryl-siloxane solvents.
Gi-Gi Sealer is a two-component protective sealer for cement coatings, it comes in a matte finish, and is colorless.
Nudimo lasersko poravnavo betonov s tehnološko dovršenimi stroji. Za finalno poravnavo betona poskrbi vibracijska ravnalna letev, ki s pomočjo hidravlike izravnava površino betona na želeno višino.
Galvanized Streckmax wire mesh provides contact with concrete in interruptions during the concreting process.
In the world of industrial floors, expansion joints represent the Achilles tendon of AB slabs. At these points, internal and external microloads occur which reduce the load-bearing capacity of the built-in floor.
Tal-m Korund je visokovreden monolitni betonski tlak na bazi suhe mešanice cementa, kvarčnega peska in korunda, ki ga vtiramo v svežo betonsko površino.
Brushed concrete is suitable for all mechanically highly loaded surfaces both outdoor and indoor, production, commercial, public and other buildings.
32.000 m2 in 42 days